HIKMAH -Once, I used to use, heard and utter this word quite often, but something was lacking behind during that time - appreciation. Now, after going through all sort of journey in my life, I'm little bit kinda understand what it is all about. I believe that, He already set a plan in my life,and no matter how bad I feel about it, it all happened because of good reason. He fills my life time memory with different sort of flavours. Welcome to my time capsule - Flavour Of Life

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Thanx kat LIN sbb tag asz.
Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. Do you believe in love at first sight?Aha, masa awal remaja dulu cam yer jer. Pernah terfikir yang that person will be a realman in my life.But, bila fikir balik, itu lumrah masa zaman remaja. Bila bnyak kali luv at first sight ni, rupanya saya fikir itu semua adalah permainan jiwa yang terlalu berharap. Ini banyak mematangkan saya. The rite man should not necessarily be my luv at the first sight, but he is the one who come in to mylife at the rite time.
2. Have you ever felt so good? Why?Apabila btul2 dapat menunaikan solat dgn kusyuk dan memohon keampuan kepadaNya dengan kerendahan hati, rasa hilang dari dosa2 y lampau. Alangkah indahnya perasaan itu.........................
3. Apakah salah anggapan kawan2 yang ingin sangat2 dibetulkan????Ramai kwn beranggapan yang saya ni makan sikit dan diet mlampau, tapi sebenarnya tidak. Saya ni sebenarnya jenis yang agak berselera jugak kalau melihat makanan. Satu lagi, ramai orang ingat saya ni ulat buku dan rajin yang melampau, walhal saya ni biasa saja orangnya. Always believe in alance between study and enjoy.
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?Berada dalam syurga yang abadi
5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?saya merumpamakan rain itu adalah kehidupan saya pada first year dulu. Perit skali. I felt like others looked down at me n I almost cmpletely loose my self esteem. I didnt believe in my self. But yet, still didnt loose my hope, n alhamdulillah, in second year, i see the rainbow coming into my way. I get my momentum from the pathology and climbing slowly and slowly.
6. Do you like being who you are today?absolutely yes.
7. If you win RM1 million, what would you do?buat rumah idaman
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?ehem. I alway hoping that my love to him will be reflected on my eyes and he can see through it. Kalian pernah baca x blog saya sblum ni??? I think i will never ever confess, instead i rather show my sincerity through my act. lagi pun, pihak laki yang kna mulakan dulu. huhu
9. Your fav country?netherland
What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? pnyayang, pandai mmujuk, memahami, ada sense of joke
11. Which type of cars you love the most? kereta kuda y dinaiki cenderella.
12. Please put one quote below. Its difficult to be a mirror of ourself, so always listen to a good sound advice from others.
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?Of course, just tell me straight away rather than berbelit2 di sana sini. tetulah sy sngt gembira mndapat nasihat rakan2, it shows that they do care about me. But, please make it personal. Janganlah nk bg nasihat depan2 org lain, kerana saya terasa seperti air muka saya dijatuhkan. Satu lagi, plissssssssssssssssssssss jangan pakai org tngah. Konon x nk salah fahamlah kalau pakai orang tngah, but i think it rather that u already burukkan orang tu.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?Iman
15. Are you a shopaholic or not?haha, tiap minggu spend money, wat else???
16. What kind of electronic device/gadget you own that you like most?I am not really a tech-savvy but I really fond on my new nset that i bought yesterday.
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?Berharap sangt agar saya mnjadi org yang lebih pengemas dan sistermatik. Lagi satu amat berharap agar saya dapat mngurangkan waktu menilik di cermin sbb ada seorang sahabat sangat mluat dengan perangai saya yang satu ni.
18. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?nope, takut seyh~
19. Will u get married? masuk posting pediatric, tiba2 rasa nk kawen.haha
20. Who is that person? The right person at the rite time:)


Blogger ilhami abdul rahman said...

haha~not a tech savvy? dah brape kali beli talipon?
i'm adding u to my list of fren, y dont u do it also? bowink ar xde link...jalan mati, as!

July 13, 2008 at 10:33 AM

Blogger firus andaman said...

serius not tech savy, bli pun sbb tepn rosak n rosak n hilang. klu i m tha one who is a tech savvy, msti sy akan bli nset bru wlupun x der alasan nkli

July 14, 2008 at 11:24 AM


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